Monday, 20 April 2015


My Favourite camping spot that I went with my family was I think NK'MIP RV park in Osoyoos, BC. There is two awesome hiking trails a short one and a longer one. WARNING bring sunscreen and bottled water if you want to go on the longer path. The wind can get pretty hard down at the beach so you should keep things fastened down so it won't blow away.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

What not to do!

This is what NOT to do in the outdoors! :)

Camp Byng

 Camp Byng is a Scout camp ground on Sunshine Coast that we go every year for are annual family camp. I think we go there around sometime in June. It is a lot of fun. It was more fun we had the Pacific Jamboree 2011 were scouts from all over Canada come and do activities together.

It looks good does it not!? when your in scouts you get to cook different types of food. this was one of the best camping foods i had ever tasted other then the exotic meats that we have at are Halloween family camp.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Gambier Island

In 2012 my Scout group went to Gambier Island. I was in my Second year of Scouts. At the island we fished at the docks for fish later on we went to get some crabs from the crab net that we put out on the way there.
We had a huge bon-fire on all day. We had dessert made in the fire but I didn't like it because of the banana that was in it.
At the end of the we all went exploring in an old war ship called Naval Air Station Annapolis.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Burke Mountain

This is Burke Mountain around the top of the mountain were the cabins are. My Scout group goes there every year around February. Every year we hike up there their was always snow but this year there was no snow at all due to global worming.

For food we usually eat pancakes and bacon for breakfast for lunch we have wraps and for dinner we have Risotto or Curry. After we eat and clean up we go outside and we play capture the flag with coloured flash lights. Around midnight we come in and have mug up which would be hot chocolate, cheese and crackers.